AWSTATS DATA FILE 7.0 (build 1.971) # If you remove this file, all statistics for date 201105 will be lost/reset. # Last config file used to build this data file was /home/ss/tmp/awstats/ # Position (offset in bytes) in this file for beginning of each section for # direct I/O access. If you made changes somewhere in this file, you should # also remove completely the MAP section (AWStats will rewrite it at next # update). BEGIN_MAP 27 POS_GENERAL 2008 POS_TIME 2690 POS_VISITOR 13223 POS_DAY 19485 POS_DOMAIN 3542 POS_LOGIN 4000 POS_ROBOT 4155 POS_WORMS 4742 POS_EMAILSENDER 4873 POS_EMAILRECEIVER 5016 POS_SESSION 20298 POS_SIDER 20506 POS_FILETYPES 5151 POS_DOWNLOADS 28709 POS_OS 5279 POS_BROWSER 5486 POS_SCREENSIZE 5967 POS_UNKNOWNREFERER 6041 POS_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 6338 POS_ORIGIN 6543 POS_SEREFERRALS 6685 POS_PAGEREFS 6872 POS_SEARCHWORDS 7837 POS_KEYWORDS 8512 POS_MISC 2354 POS_ERRORS 8809 POS_CLUSTER 3856 POS_SIDER_404 8921 END_MAP # LastLine = Date of last record processed - Last record line number in last log - Last record offset in last log - Last record signature value # FirstTime = Date of first visit for history file # LastTime = Date of last visit for history file # LastUpdate = Date of last update - Nb of parsed records - Nb of parsed old records - Nb of parsed new records - Nb of parsed corrupted - Nb of parsed dropped # TotalVisits = Number of visits # TotalUnique = Number of unique visitors # MonthHostsKnown = Number of hosts known # MonthHostsUnKnown = Number of hosts unknown BEGIN_GENERAL 8 LastLine 20110601001337 498 114823 6877893548559 FirstTime 20110501032619 LastTime 20110531225028 LastUpdate 20110601071136 498 0 497 0 0 TotalVisits 192 TotalUnique 110 MonthHostsKnown 88 MonthHostsUnknown 25 END_GENERAL # Misc ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_MISC 10 QuickTimeSupport 0 0 0 JavaEnabled 0 0 0 JavascriptDisabled 0 0 0 PDFSupport 0 0 0 WindowsMediaPlayerSupport 0 0 0 AddToFavourites 0 0 0 RealPlayerSupport 0 0 0 TotalMisc 0 0 0 DirectorSupport 0 0 0 FlashSupport 0 0 0 END_MISC # Hour - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Not viewed Pages - Not viewed Hits - Not viewed Bandwidth BEGIN_TIME 24 0 33 61 428973 34 38 80478 1 42 203 1830077 42 52 167718 2 34 207 1202495 54 57 223026 3 15 15 77348 136 139 92547 4 96 125 17454578 55 57 143312 5 39 39 16879104 41 44 65248 6 16 293 2198430 26 37 81682 7 18 176 1796263 134 141 318646 8 128 572 7510791 37 57 171940 9 11 73 691084 43 52 149539 10 6 62 642932 50 61 179626 11 7 36 344942 83 92 8498075 12 4 67 661495 45 54 33470207 13 176 710 17013935 43 57 90523 14 34 247 1878534 53 70 160419 15 96 470 18054056 159 172 281200 16 20 183 1856219 40 55 109689 17 16 272 2154974 44 54 108748 18 190 257 9058809 38 46 8523595 19 18 193 999377 40 428 21538935 20 18 193 806396 24 34 54096 21 31 360 3489774 32 52 41553 22 12 138 44553 20 24 43937 23 24 244 2313862 68 76 162679 END_TIME # Domain - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_DOMAIN 17 us 834 4629 97820763 eu 179 179 8720068 cn 23 23 134987 in 12 136 1311661 ca 12 12 71290 nl 6 146 729191 fr 4 4 14360 es 2 2 2622 ru 2 2 11738 de 2 2 11738 mo 2 2 2622 jp 1 1 1311 gr 1 29 309728 mx 1 1 5869 ro 1 1 5869 sg 1 26 233873 ve 1 1 1311 END_DOMAIN # Cluster ID - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_CLUSTER 0 END_CLUSTER # Login - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 10 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_LOGIN 0 END_LOGIN # Robot ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit - Hits on robots.txt # The 25 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_ROBOT 12 no_user_agent 384 21410438 20110517202051 0 bot[\s_+:,\.\;\/\\-] 284 1101411 20110531155648 0 spider 248 850843 20110531230532 0 [\s_+:,\.\;\/\\-]bot 134 50072070 20110531204404 0 crawl 92 77405 20110530020714 0 googlebot 86 680899 20110530173420 0 slurp 55 264355 20110531005522 0 robot 15 47941 20110530182702 0 jeeves 9 52821 20110526231540 0 discovery 3 17607 20110524205101 0 netcraft 2 11738 20110528112236 0 msnbot\-media 2 55920 20110504101756 0 END_ROBOT # Worm ID - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 5 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_WORMS 0 END_WORMS # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first Hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILSENDER 0 END_EMAILSENDER # EMail - Hits - Bandwidth - Last visit # The 20 first hits must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_EMAILRECEIVER 0 END_EMAILRECEIVER # Files type - Hits - Bandwidth - Bandwidth without compression - Bandwidth after compression BEGIN_FILETYPES 4 mp3 6 50072070 0 0 html 1079 3918454 0 0 jpg 3989 55389667 0 0 gif 122 8810 0 0 END_FILETYPES # OS ID - Hits BEGIN_OS 14 linuxandroid 67 blackberry 148 winlong 284 winxp 1717 winnt 3 win2000 181 linuxfedora 10 win7 392 winme 1 macosx 178 winunknown 17 win2003 50 Unknown 260 win2008 1888 END_OS # Browser ID - Hits BEGIN_BROWSER 29 msie6.0 417 chrome11.0.696.68 114 blackberry 148 firefox4.0.1 889 chrome5.0.342.2 1 android 67 chrome0. 9 libwww 1 firefox3.5.16 68 opera9.00 1 firefox3.6.17 609 msie5.5 1 firefox3.5.3 10 opera9.80 1 firefox3.6.15 52 safari5.0.2 30 msie8.0 1826 mozilla 250 safari5.0.4 53 msie7.0 184 chrome10.0.648.204 29 msie5.0 2 msie9.0 161 firefox3.6.10 124 chrome11.0.696.71 29 firefox3.0.19 65 Unknown 28 safari5.0.5 26 chrome8.0.552.224 1 END_BROWSER # Screen size - Hits BEGIN_SCREENSIZE 0 END_SCREENSIZE # Unknown referer OS - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERER 6 PHP/5.3.2 20110521130209 libwww-perl/5.805 20110527133238 eventBot 20110530031450 Mozilla/4.0_(compatible;) 20110510154156 TwengaBot 20110511070735 Mozilla/4.0_(compatible;_Search_Publisher_3.0) 20110529021209 END_UNKNOWNREFERER # Unknown referer Browser - Last visit date BEGIN_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER 4 Microsoft_URL_Control_-_6.01.9782 20110522142705 PHP/5.3.2 20110521130209 eventBot 20110530031450 TwengaBot 20110511070735 END_UNKNOWNREFERERBROWSER # Origin - Pages - Hits BEGIN_ORIGIN 6 From0 323 524 From1 0 0 From2 32 32 From3 1 47 From4 728 4593 From5 0 0 END_ORIGIN # Search engine referers ID - Pages - Hits BEGIN_SEREFERRALS 4 google 26 26 bing 3 3 yandex 2 2 yahoo 1 1 END_SEREFERRALS # External page referers - Pages - Hits # The 25 first Pages must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_PAGEREFS 13 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 5 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 18 0 5 0 1 END_PAGEREFS # Search keyphrases - Number of search # The 10 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_SEARCHWORDS 19 s%26s+entertainment 6 s%26s+entertainment+louisville 4 s+and+s+entertainment 2 2 s+%26+s+entertainment+louisville 2 s+%26+s+entertainment+louisville+ky 2 djs+in+new+albany+in 1 s+%26+s+ent.+%3c 1 louisville+entertainment 1 s+%26+s+entertainment+ky 1 weddings+in+louisville+ky 1 s%26s+entertainment+louisville+ky 1 louisville+ky+videography 1 s+and+s+entertainment+louisville+ky 1 1 party+planning+louisville 1 1 s%26s+locations 1 s+ans+s+entertainment 1 END_SEARCHWORDS # Search keywords - Number of search # The 25 first number of search must be first (order not required for others) BEGIN_KEYWORDS 22 entertainment 21 s 20 louisville 14 s%26s 12 ky 7 %26 6 in 3 and 3 2 planning 1 ans 1 new 1 ent. 1 locations 1 albany 1 videography 1 party 1 1 1 %3c 1 djs 1 weddings 1 END_KEYWORDS # Errors - Hits - Bandwidth BEGIN_ERRORS 3 206 16 103402 301 25 10568 404 511 0 END_ERRORS # URL with 404 errors - Hits - Last URL referer BEGIN_SIDER_404 100 /robots.txt 318 - //phpMyAdmin-2.8.0-beta1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //scripts/setup.php 2 - //php-myadmin/scripts/setup.php 1 - //phpMyAdmin-2.8.1-rc1/scripts/setup.php 1 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //sqlweb/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin- 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-beta2/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.8.1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.5.5-rc1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //php-my-admin/scripts/setup.php 3 - //phpadmin/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-beta1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.1/scripts/setup.php 1 - //phpMyAdmin-2.2.6/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl2/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.8.0-rc1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-pl1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-beta1/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl2/scripts/setup.php 2 - //phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-beta1/scripts/setup.php 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6 9360 20110526084451 1 1 5869 20110502210138 1 1 5869 20110504113553 3 3 17607 20110531043759 0 20 193307 1 1 5869 20110515004140 1 1 5869 20110525051728 6 127 1256524 20110513172005 5 90 916617 20110525133157 1 1 5869 20110525001910 1 29 309728 20110510140242 1 1 5869 20110515170343 3 3 17607 20110529164610 2 2 11738 20110515080144 3 3 17607 20110516094237 5 124 777906 20110512134809 1 1 5869 20110504111844 2 2 11738 20110528051816 2 2 6458 20110505090509 2 24 261772 20110526164917 1 29 309728 20110513045917 3 3 17607 20110531024812 2 2 10807 20110522161226 7 57 585132 20110514165343 1 1 1311 20110526000555 5 67 671173 20110520162549 1 1 5869 20110515182520 1 1 1311 20110526000608 3 3 17607 20110530011951 5 145 723322 20110527061824 5 67 671173 20110501231945 1 1 5869 20110511023324 1 1 5869 20110528215107 1 31 330805 20110512113241 1 1 5869 20110529075906 2 2 11738 20110524233905 2 2 11738 20110507193817 1 1 5869 20110521130209 1 29 309728 20110523010506 1 1 5869 20110509222505 2 2 11738 20110529111521 2 2 8111 20110531152708 0 5 21077 7 69 672888 20110518090611 1 1 5869 20110509163457 2 2 7163 20110509030153 3 53 571500 20110524073751 1 1 5869 20110528010407 1 1 5869 20110509140818 6 6 35645 20110517201517 4 4 14360 20110518131211 6 6 35645 20110519084649 4 4 28498 20110508064813 0 8 42154 1 1 5869 20110503154535 1 1 1311 20110526000557 3 3 17607 20110529195901 1 1 5869 20110527133238 7 147 729781 20110515020341 2 2 14249 20110508212457 1 1 1311 20110526000615 1 1 1311 20110526000600 1 29 309728 20110529164042 1 1 1311 20110526000541 1 29 309728 20110507101427 1 1 5869 20110514104440 1 6 40566 20110525060927 3 65 655626 20110520060421 5 5 29345 20110523061105 6 6 7866 20110526000647 1 1 5866 20110517034514 1 1 5869 20110520205408 2 2 11738 20110531021140 2 2 11738 20110521065633 1 1 5869 20110523100548 1 1 1311 20110526000601 2 2 11738 20110526221528 5 91 909548 20110520215528 1 1 0 20110505182927 2 2 6458 20110508074628 5 67 671173 20110510154125 2 2 8111 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